Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Annina Loets


I’m a junior professor of Theoretical Philosophy at Humboldt-University in Berlin. My research interests lie in metaphysics, the philosophy of logic and language and epistemology. I’m particularly interested in the metaphysics of ordinary objects, persons, the social world, and the questions about modality, vagueness and reference to which they give rise.


I received a B.A. in Philosophy and Social Sciences and an M.A. in Philosophy from Humboldt-University, as well as a a BPhil in Philosophy from the University of Oxford. In 2020 I was awarded a DPhil in Philosophy for a dissertation on qua-qualifications. From July 2020 to March 2021, I was a postdoc at the Human Abilities project and Mitarbeiterin at Freie Universität Berlin.

Office: Unter den Linden 6,    
Room: 3032
Thursdays 12:30-1:30 during the semester.
E-Mail: annina.loets/at/
Please e-mail me to make an appointment.
Personal Meeting Room:
Annina Loets will be on leave until the 31st of July 2024. You can contact her substitute Alexander Dinges.


Postal address:

Institut für Philosophie
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin



"Agentive Duality Reconsidered" (with Julia Zakkou), 2022, Philosophical Studies

"Qua Objects and their Limits", 2021, Mind

"Qua Qualification", 2021, Philosophers' Imprint

"Choice Points for a Theory of Normality", 2021, Mind

Summer 2022
Winter 2021-2022

PS 51015 „Transparenz in Sprache und Denken/Transparency in Language and Thought“

HS 51045 „Vagheit/Vagueness“

Summer 2021

PS 51036 "Skeptische Argumente"

HS 51062 "Die Metaphysik gewöhnlicher Gegenstände"                                                     


For more detailed information on my research and teaching please visit my personal website.