Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Social Philosophy/Critical Theory


* = double-blind peer-reviewed; English titles in [] where original title is in German




I. Monographs


Ambivalente Anerkennung [Ambivalent Recognition] (Frankfurt a. M. and New York: Campus, 2021).

  • English translation under contract with Columbia University Press


II. Edited Publications


Critical Philosophy of Race. Ein Reader [Critical Philosophy of Race. A Reader], co-edited with Marina Martinez Mateo (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2021).









*Recognition and Ambivalence, co-edited with Heikki Ikäheimo and Titus Stahl (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021).







Debating Critical Theory. Engagements with Axel Honneth, co-edited with Julia Christ, Daniel Loick, and Titus Stahl (London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).








III. Special Issues

Special Issue on Nonideal Theory and Critical Theory, co-edited with Mirjam Müller, in: Journal of Social Philosophy (2024) (online first)


Critical Philosophy of Race [Special Issue on Critical Philosophy of Race], co-edited with Marina Martinez Mateo, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67. 4 (2019).


Anerkennung und Unterwerfung [Special Issue on Recognition and Subjection], co-edited with Titus Stahl, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62. 2 (2014).


IV. Journal Articles and Book Chapters

"Kwame Anthony Appiah, Identitäten (2018)", in: Manfred Brocker and Sarah Stroemel (eds.), Das politische Denken der Gegenwart (Berlin: Suhrkamp, forthcoming)


*"Marx and Critical Theory", in: The Oxford Handbook of Social Ontology, edited by Stephanie Collins, Brian Epstein, Sally Haslanger and Hans Bernhard Schmid (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming)


“Subjekt/Identität” [Subject/Identity], in: Handbuch Kritische Theorie [Handbook Critical Theory], edited by Robin Celikates, Rahel Jaeggi, and Martin Saar (Stuttgart: Metzler, forthcoming).


*"How Can Individuals Criticise Social Norms? A Commentary on Charlotte Witt's Social Goodness. The Ontology of Social Norms", in: Inquiry 67. 8 (2024): 2532-2539 


* "Should Nonideal Theory Rely on Ideal Theory? Lessons from the Frankfurt School", in: Journal of Social Philosophy (2024) (online first)


“Anerkennung” [Recognition], in: Information Philosophie 1 (2022): 16–25.


“Einleitung” [Introduction], with Marina Martinez Mateo, in: Critical Philosophy of Race. Ein Reader [Critical Philosophy of Race. A Reader], edited by Kristina Lepold and Marina Martinez Mateo (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2021): 7–34.


*“How Should We Understand the Ambivalence of Recognition? Revisiting the Link between Recognition and Subjection in the Works of Althusser and Butler”, in: Recognition and Ambivalence, edited by Heikki Ikäheimo, Kristina Lepold, and Titus Stahl (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021): 129-159.


“Recognition and Feminist Thought”, with Christine Bratu, in: Handbuch Anerkennung [Handbook Recognition], edited by Ludwig Siep, Heikki Ikäheimo, and Michael Quante (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2021): 421–431.


*“Introduction”, with Heikki Ikäheimo and Titus Stahl, in: Recognition and Ambivalence, edited by Heikki Ikäheimo, Kristina Lepold, and Titus Stahl (New York: Columbia University Press, 2021): 1–20.


“Debating Critical Theory. An Introduction”, with Julia Christ, Daniel Loick and Titus Stahl, in: Debating Critical Theory. Engagements with Axel Honneth, edited by Julia Christ, Kristina Lepold, Daniel Loick, and Titus Stahl (London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020): vii–xxiii.


“Schwerpunkt: Critical Philosophy of Race” [Introduction to Special Issue on Critical Philosophy of Race], with Marina Martinez Mateo, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67. 4 (2019): 572–588.


*“Examining Honneth’s Positive Theory of Recognition”, in: Critical Horizons 20. 3 (2019): 246–261.


*“An Ideology Critique of Recognition: Judith Butler in the Context of the Contemporary Debate on Recognition”, in: Constellations 25. 3 (2018): 474–484.


“Axel Honneths Neubegründung der kritischen Gesellschaftstheorie: Die kritische Theorie der Anerkennung” [Axel Honneth’s Renewal of Critical Theory: The Critical Theory of Recognition], in: Warum Kritik? Begründungsformen kritischer Theorie, edited by Sven Ellmers and Philip Hogh (Weilerswist: Velbrück, 2017): 281–300.


“Strukturfunktionalismus: Talcott Parsons” [Structural Functionalism: Talcott Parsons], with Axel Honneth, in: Handbuch der Soziologie, edited by Jörn Lamla, Henning Laux, David Strecker, and Hartmut Rosa (Konstanz: UVK, 2014): 149–161.


“Schwerpunkt: Anerkennung und Unterwerfung” [Introduction to Special Issue on Recognition and Subjection], with Titus Stahl, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62. 2 (2014): 231–238.


“Die Bedingungen der Anerkennung. Zum Zusammenhang von Macht, Anerkennung und Unterwerfung im Anschluss an Foucault” [The Terms of Recognition. On the Relationship between Power, Recognition and Subjection Following Foucault], in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62. 2 (2014): 297–317.


V. Other Publications

"Vorwort zur deutschen Ausgabe von Der Racial Contract" [Foreword to the German translation of The Racial Contract], in: Charles W. Mills, Der Racial Contract (Frankfurt a. M. and New York: Campus, 2023): 23-30.


“Recognition”, in: The Philosopher 110. 3 (2022): 52-54.


“Splinters in Your Eye. Frankfurt School Provocations by Martin Jay” [Review of Martin Jay, Splinters in Your Eye. Frankfurt School Provocations], with Tobias Albrecht, in: Constellations 29. 4 (2022): 516–518.


“Schuldzuweisung und Vergebung. Miranda Fricker antwortet auf Fragen von Kristina Lepold” [Blame and Forgiveness: Miranda Fricker Responds to Questions by Kristina Lepold], in: WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 18. 1 (2021): 153–170.


“Problematisches Nichtwissen: ‘White Ignorance’” [Problematic Ignorance: White Ignorance], in: praefaktisch – ein Philosophieblog (2020).


“Vom richtigen Leben im falschen. Erik Olin Wright weist Wege aus dem Kapitalismus” [The Right Life in the Wrong One: Review of Erik Olin Wright, Envisioning Real Utopias], in: Soziopolis (2017).


“Sich der Realität widersetzen. Kristina Lepold im Gespräch mit Sally Haslanger” [Resisting Reality. A Conversation with Sally Haslanger on Social Construction and Possibilities of Critique], in: Westend. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 12. 2 (2015): 159–170.


“Resisting Reality: Social Construction and Social Critique by Sally Haslanger” [Review of Sally Haslanger, Resisting Reality], in: Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur 1. 1 (2013): 26–34.


“‘Anerkennung‘ als Prinzip der Kritischen Theorie by Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch” [Review of Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, 'Recognition' as a Principle of Critical Theory] in: Critical Horizons 14. 1 (2013): 120–124.


VI. Public Philosophy

Lepold, Kristina, "Kommentar: Rettet den Firnis der Zivilisation", in: Deutschlandfunk Kultur, December 15, 2024 (last accessed: December 19, 2024)


Lepold, Kristina, "Gräben überwinden, Demokratie verteidigen. Ein Gastkommentar", in: taz, December 5, 2024 (last accessed: December 19, 2024)


"Ausgrenzung. Strukturelle Benachteiligung durch Institutionen" [Marginalization. Structural Discrimination Through Institutions], in: Hörsaal, Deutschlandfunk Nova, December 9, 2022 (Broadcast of the Talk "Was ist institutioneller Rassismus?" [What is Institutional Racism?], held at the Department of Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin, on October 26, 2022) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


"Die philosophische Diskussion zur Metaphysik von race[The Philosophical Discussion About the Metaphysics of Race], in: NaDiRa-Lecture Series 2022, DeZIM-Institut (November 10, 2022) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


"Was ich noch sagen wollte" [What I Would Like to Say], in: PhilPublica (June 22, 2022) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


"Podcast: Critical Philosophy of Race", (with Marina Martinez Mateo), interviewed by Robin Celikates for the Critical Theory in Context - Podcast (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


"Deutschland hat immer noch ein Rassismus-Problem" [Germany Still has a Problem with Racism] (with Marina Martinez Mateo), interviewed by Hanno Hauerstein in: Berliner Zeitung 18, (January 23, 2022) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


"Männlich, sehr weiß" [Male, Very White] (with Marina Martinez Mateo), interviewed by Hans-Christoph Zimmermann, in: der Freitag 3 (January 20, 2022) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


"Porträt Kristina Lepold" [Portrait Kristina Lepold], in: (December 23, 2021) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


"Critical Race Theory: Es gibt keine Rassen, aber wir müssen über Unterschiede reden" [There is no such Thing as 'Rasse', but we Need to Talk about Differences] (with Marina Martinez Mateo), interviewed by
Stefanie Rohde, in: Deutschlandfunk Kultur (December 19, 2021) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


"Aufzeichnungen mit Kristina Lepold", interviewed by Sarah Sandelbaum for the Podcast “Aufzeichnungen” of the Institute for Social Research on occasion of the publication of Ambivalente Anerkennung (October 1, 2021) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).


“Mit Scharfsinn und Humor: Nachruf auf den Rassismusforscher Charles W. Mills” [With Acumen and Humor: Obituary of Charles W. Mills], with Rahel Jaeggi, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung (September 23, 2021) (last accessed on March 3, 2023).