Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Practical Philosophy/Ethics

Dr. Daniele Bruno



Personal Website:



Research Interests

Normative  Ethics, Metaethics, Applied Ethics

Further interests: History of Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy, normative questions in Epistemology.


M.A. and B.A. in Philosophy and Social Sciences in Berlin and Paris. PhD in Philosophy at Humboldt University in 2021. Doctoral Fellow in the Einstein Ethics Group led by R. Jay Wallace from 2016 until  2020. Visiting research student at King's College London from October to December 2017. Lecturer at University of Potsdam from 2020 until 2022 and at University of Göttingen from 2022 until 2023. Visiting Professor (Vertretungsprofessur) at Universität Bielefeld from April until September 2023. Postdoctoral Researcher (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at HU Berlin since October 2023. Research project "Ignorance, Responsibility and Moral Obligation" funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.


Perspectivism and Rights, forthcoming, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy.

Must We Worry About Epistemic Shirkers?, 2024, Inquiry, online first: 1-26 - Philpapers entry with abstract, Full text, Accepted manuscript

Being Fully Excused for Wrongdoing, 2022, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 104 (2): 324-347 - Philpapers entry with abstract, Full Text (Open Access)

Value-Based Accounts of Normative Powers and the Wishful Thinking Objection​, 2022, Philosophical Studies 179 (11): 3211-3231 - Philpapers entry with abstract, Full Text (Open Access)

Trust-Based Theories of Promising, 2020, Philosophical Quarterly 70 (280): 443-463 - Philpapers entry with abstract, Full TextAccepted Manuscript

Error Theory, Unbelievability and the Normative Objection, 2019, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 17 (2) - Philpapers entry with abstract, Full Text (Open Access)

Talks (Selection)

„Expanding Interest in Contractualism“, XXVI. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, University of Münster (24.09.2024)

„Consent, Autonomy and Voluntary Permissions“, comments on Manon Garcia's book The Joy of Consent, Conference: The Joy of Consent, FU Berlin (25.01.2024)

„A New Account of the Nature of Excuses“, 11th Congress of the European Society of Analytic Philosophy, Vienna (21.-25.08.2023)

„Perspectivism and Rights“, Oberseminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Erlangen (20.06.2023)

„Zur Autonomie und Autorität des Normativen“, comments on Singa Behrens' book manuscript The Autonomy of the Normative, Berlin (25.03.2023)

„Grounding und wertbasierte Erklärungen“, Workshop: Grounding und Metaethik, Universität Bern (14.–15.11.2022)

„Risk, Recklessness, and Objectivism about Ought“, 11. Kongress der GAP, HU Berlin (12.-15.09.2022); XCV. Joint Session of the Mind Association and the Aristotelian Society, University of St. Andrews (08.-10.07.2022)

„A Perspectivist Treatment of Rights“, Humboldt Normativity Conference 2022, HU Berlin (05.-07.09.2022);

„Because you Promised – Precis“ – Buchsymposium zum Manuskript Because you Promised, Treffen der G27, Hamburg (25.-26.03.2022)

„A Trilemma for Reductivism about Promissory Normativity“, XXV. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, FAU Erlangen Nürnberg (06.09.2021)

„Value-Based Accounts of Normative Powers and the Wishful Thinking Objection“, Forschungskolloquium Praktische Philosophie, Universität Bern (28.10.2020); 1. Munich Graduate Conference in Ethics, Münchner Kompetenzzentrum Ethik, LMU München (30.07.2020)

„Promissory Obligation and the Value of Normative Control“, Bern-Zürich Workshop in Moral Theory, Universität Bern (01.-02.06.2018); Conference: The Future of Normativity, University of Kent (28.-30.06.2018); 10. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, Universität Köln (17.-20-09.2018)

Research Projects

Because You Promised - In Defense of Non-Reductivism about Promissory Normativity

Book project based on my dissertation on promissory normativity. For more information, see my personal website.


Unwissenheit, Verantwortung und moralische Verpflichtung

Postdoctoral research project financed by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).



Unwissenheit und Moral / Ignorance and Morality
Seminar (advanced), Universität Bielefeld, Summer 24

Philosophisches Schreiben: Singer – Praktische Ethik / Singer's Practical Ethics
Seminar (introductory), Universität Bielefeld, Summer 24


Einführung in die Tierethik / Introduction to Animal Ethics
Seminar (introductory), Universität Bielefeld, Summer 24


Ethischer Kontraktualismus / Moral Contractualism, Seminar (advanced), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Summer 23

Ethik des Klimawandels / Ethics of Climate Change, Seminar (introductory), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Summer 23

Die Normativität von Versprechen / The Normativity of Promising
Seminar (advanced), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Winter 2022/23

Humes Moralphilosophie / Hume’s Moral Philosophy
Seminar (introductory), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Winter 2022/23

Moralische Verantwortung / Moral Responsibility
Seminar (advanced), Universität Potsdam, Summer 2022

John Rawls: Eine Theorie der Gerechtigkeit / John Rawls: A Theory of Justice
Seminar (introductory), Universität Potsdam, Winter 2021/22

Einführung in die Metaethik / Introduction to Metaethics
Seminar (introductory), Universität Potsdam, Summer 2021

Einwilligung / Consent
Seminar (advanced), Universität Potsdam, Winter 2020/21

Unwissenheit und moralische Verantwortung / Ignorance and Moral Responsibility
Seminar (advanced), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Winter 2016/17, co-taught with Thomas Schmidt

Ethics and Neuroscience
Seminar (introductory) for the interdisciplinary Master of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Summer 2016