Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Theoretische Philosophie / Philosophiegeschichte

Workshop: Metaphysics and Cognition in Early Modern Aristotelianism

unter anderen mit: Robert Pasnau (Colorado) Christopher Shields (Oxford) Rudolf Schüßler (Bayreuth)

  • What Workshop
  • Wann 03.06.2010 09:00 bis 04.06.2010 16:00
  • Wo Topoi-Gebäude Hannoversche Straße 6 / Institutsraum UL 6, 3103
  • iCal

Das Leibniz-Preis-Projekt Transformationen des Geistes

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Metaphysics and Cognition in Early Modern Aristotelianism


3.-4. Juni 2010, HU Berlin

Organisation: Martin Lenz & Stephan Schmid



Thursday, 3 June 2010 (TOPOI-Gebäude Mitte, Hannoversche Straße 6, Seminarraum 1.03)


09:00    Welcome and Introduction: Stephan Schmid & Martin Lenz


09:30    Robert Pasnau (Colorado): Changing Concepts of Substantial Form in Later Scholastic Thought                                                   

10:15    Discussion


11:00    Coffee Break


11:30    Stephan Schmid (HU Berlin): Finality without Final Causes – On Suárez’ Account of Natural Teleology

12:15    Discussion


13:00    Lunch Break (Honigmond)


15:00    Christopher Shields (Oxford): The Status of Intrinsic Accidents

15:45    Discussion


16:30    Coffee Break


17:00    Rudolf Schüßler (Bayreuth): Will and Intellect in Aristotle and Thomas – Scholastic Perspectives in Early Modern Philosophy

17:45    Discussion


18:30    End




Friday, 4 June 2010 (HU Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Raum 3103)


09:30    Wolfgang Dickhut (FU Berlin): Arriaga’s Doctrine of Species

10:15    Discussion


11:00    Coffee Break


11:30    Sascha Salatowsky (Marburg): Between Something and Nothing: Timpler on Cognition

12:15    Discussion


13:00    Lunch Break (12 Apostel)


14:30    Final Discussion


16:00    End of Workshop