Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Theoretische Philosophie/Philosophiegeschichte

Workshop: "From Love to the Infinite"

  • Wann 01.07.2016 von 09:00 bis 19:30
  • Wo Hannoversche Str. 6, Raum 1.03
  • iCal

From Love to the Infinite

Workshop on Early Modern Philosophy


Organized by Dominik Perler and Christian Barth

Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Supported by the Excellence Cluster Topoi

TOPOI Building, Hannoversche Straße 6, Seminar Room 1.03






9:00     Ariane Schneck (HU Berlin): “What’s love got to do with it? Love and the Mind-Body Union in Descartes”


10:00   Break


10:15   Justin Broackes (Brown University): “Locke’s Return to Aristotle: Substance in the *Essay*”


11:15   Break


11:30   Hannes Ole Matthiessen (HU Berlin): “Berkeley and Reid on Projective versus Phenomenal Visible Figures”




14:30   Donald Rutherford (UC San Diego): “Deciding What to Do: The Relation of Affect and Reason in Spinoza’s Ethics”


15:30   Break


15:45   Sebastian Bender (HU Berlin/Rice University Houston): “Leibniz’s Rationalist Account of Persistence”


16:45   Break


17:00   Maria Rosa Antognazza (KCL): “The Infinite in Leibniz”


Announcement: Brandon Look (University of Kentucky) will give a talk at Dominik Perler’s colloquium on July 4, 4.15-5.45pm (Humboldt-Universität, Main Building, Unter den Linden 6, room 3103). The talk has the title “Understanding the Leibnizian Mind” and will be concerned with Kant’s misunderstanding of Leibniz’s epistemology. You are welcome to attend the meeting!