Reading Group on Theories of Matter. Structures of Materiality: Roger Bacon and the Conundrum of Prime Matter
- Reading Group on Theories of Matter. Structures of Materiality: Roger Bacon and the Conundrum of Prime Matter
- 2019-04-26T11:00:00+02:00
- 2019-04-26T16:30:00+02:00
- Wann 26.04.2019 von 11:00 bis 16:30
- Wo Invalidenstr. 110, Raum 231
How does alteration happen? How can processes of alteration be supposed between entities which are not in contact? And what is that thing we call ‘matter’? The reading group will engage with theories of causation elaborated by one of the most original and curious medieval thinkers: Roger Bacon (ca. 1214-1292). The group will read Bacon’s On the Multiplication of Species (De multiplicatione specierum), a fascinating work in which Bacon discussed his theory of causal irradiation of essential contents by (almost) every corporeal and incorporeal being. In an intriguing intertwining of ontology, psychology and epistemology, Bacon’s doctrine of the multiplication of species attempts at providing a unitary theory mostly grounded on the interaction among physical entities. One pivotal aspect, though, appears to be crucially problematic on this regard: the exceptionality of prime matter. Examination and discussion of the theoretical implications of Bacon’s theory of matter and materiality will display both originality and ingenuity of Bacon’s attempt at establishing a positive ground in which natural processes can lay.
The reading group will be in English. The reading session will be regularly followed by a talk/lecture given by international guests. Due to unforeseen academic reasons, the reading group will not meet regularly. An updated version of the meeting calendar is available online. For any inquiry or question, students are encouraged to contact Dr Nicola Polloni.
Updated programme available at:
The reading group will meet periodically on Friday at 11am, sine tempore. Throughout the semester, special lectures and talks from invited guests will take place after the reading group session, usually at 2.30pm. Schedule will be updated regularly in this webpage.
NB: Due to major academic reasons, the reading group will not follow a regular calendar! Further changes may be adopted in agreement with the participants.
Friday, 12 April 2019, Room 231
11am: Introduction to Roger Bacon’s ontology and epistemology.
Friday, 26 April 2019, Room 231
11 am: Reading of De multiplicatione specierum, pt. 1
2.30pm: Lydia Schumacher (King’s College London), “The De anima tradition in Early Franciscan Thought: A Case Study in Avicenna’s Reception”
Friday, 3 May 2019, Room 231
11 am: Reading of De multiplicatione specierum, pt. 1
2.30pm: Yael Kedar (Tel Hai College), “Species and matter in De multiplicatione specierum”
Friday, 10 May 2019, Room 231
11am: Reading of De multiplicatione specierum, pt. 1
2.30pm: David Cory (University of Notre Dame), “Matter and Body as Correlative Principles in Thomas Aquinas”
Friday, 17 May 2019, Room 231
11am: Reading of De multiplicatione specierum, pt. 1
2.30pm: Thomas Harb (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), “Seeing Dark Things: How the epistemology of privations differs from the epistemology of matter”
Tuesday, 11 June 2019, Room 231
11pm: Reading of De multiplicatione specierum, pt. 1
2.30pm: Giouli Korobili (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), “Aristotle and Roger Bacon on Matters of Experimental Inquiry”
Friday, 14 June 2019, Room 231
11am: Reading of De multiplicatione specierum, pt. 2
2.30pm: Meagan Allen (Indiana University Bloomington), “The problem of attribution: Roger Bacon as the author of the later chapters of the Epistola de secretis operibus artis et naturae”
Friday, 21 June 2019, Room 231
11am: Reading of De multiplicatione specierum, pt. 2
2.30pm: Mattia Cipriani (Freie Universität Berlin), “From Theory to Practice in Medieval Science: the Case of Thomas of Cantimpré’s Liber de Natura Rerum”
Friday, 5 July 2019, Room 231
11am: Reading of De multiplicatione specierum, pt. 2
2.30pm: Abel Aravena Zamora (Universidad de Playa Ancha), “Teaching Philosophy in Colonial Chile: Jesuit Manuscripts of Colegio Máximo San Miguel (18th century)”
Friday, 12 July 2019, Room 231
11am: Final remarks on Roger Bacon’s theories of matter and species.
2.30pm: Nicola Polloni (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), “Ontology and Epistemology of Matter: Roger Bacon and Beyond”
Roger Bacon, De multiplicatione specierum, ed. Lindberg, Roger Bacon’s Philosophy of Nature, Oxford 1983. Additional material will be provided during the reading group.
A selected and updated bibliography on Roger Bacon can be found online at:
Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 110, Room 231.