Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Lehrstuhl Philosophie der Antike und Gegenwart
E-Mail: zhixi.wang(at)hu-berlin(dot)de
Sitz: Friedrichstr. 191-193, Raum 4079
Sprechstunde: Donnerstag, 16-17 Uhr
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Philosophie
Zhixi Wang
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
I currently work on Plato’s cosmology, metaphysics, and psychology, especially in dialogue with early Greek philosophy and medicine as well as with Aristotle. My research is motivated by a broader interest in forms of materialism and reactions to them. Besides, I am working my way towards exploring resources in Plato, Aristotle, and Stoicism that are potentially relevant to thinking about the free will.
My dissertation, Uncrafted Nature in Plato’s Creationism, investigates the relation between nature and craft in Plato’s cosmology. The background for this investigation is the debate between creationism and anti-creationism (exemplified by Plato’s criticism of the atheists in Laws X as well as Aristotle’s criticism of Plato). The investigation focuses on the precosmos of the Timaeus, and in particular, on the nature (sic) of fire, water, earth and air in the precosmos and how this nature relates to the Forms.