Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Philosophie

Dr Hamid Taieb




Hamid Taieb is the leader of the DFG Emmy-Noether research group “A Sensible World” (project website: He received his PhD from the University of Lausanne and the École pratique des hautes études in Paris. He has held research or teaching positions at the Universities of Geneva, Hamburg, Lausanne, and Salzburg, and has made research stays at the École normale supérieure at Paris, HU Berlin, King’s College London, and the University of Gothenburg. He has written several works in the history of philosophy: first, on the Austro-German tradition, from the School of Brentano to early phenomenology; and second, on the Aristotelian tradition, especially medieval scholastic authors. From a systematic point of view, he specializes in the philosophy of mind and ontology, but has also explored issues in epistemology and philosophy of language. In addition, he is interested in philosophy of law (before devoting himself to philosophy, he studied law at the University of Geneva).



Academic Positions


Since 2020.09 Emmy-Noether Research Group Leader, Humboldt University Berlin
DFG project "A Sensible World. The Problem of Secondary Qualities in and around the School of Brentano"
2018.09 - 2020.08 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Hamburg Alexander von Humboldt Foundation project “Prototype Concepts in Austro-German Philosophy” (personal project)
2016.08 - 2018.08 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Salzburg Austrian Science Fund project “Franz Brentano’s Descriptive Psychology”
2014.09 - 2017.09 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Geneva Swiss National Science Foundation project “Meaning and Intentionality in Anton Marty”
2010.09 - 2016.07 Research Assistant, then Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Lausanne Swiss National Science Foundation project “The Problem of Relations in the Philosophy of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages”

Research Stays


2018.10 – 2019.03 Visiting Researcher, King’s College London
2018.04 – 2018.08 Invited Researcher, University of Gothenburg Riksbankens Jubileumsfond Project: “Representation and Reality. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Aristotelian Tradition”
2013.09 – 2014.02 Visiting PhD student, Humboldt University Berlin
2012.01 – 2012.06 Foreign resident at the École normale supérieure (ENS), Paris


Education and Degrees


2014.12 PhD, Philosophy, University of Lausanne and École pratique des hautes études in Paris “The Intentional Relation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Study of the Reception of Aristotle’s Texts on Psychic Correlates” (in French)
2010.12 Geneva Bar Admission
2008.06 Master of Arts, Philosophy, University of Geneva
2004.10 Master in Law (“licence”), University of Geneva



Recent Publications and Work in Progress (selection)


a. Edited Volumes and Special Issues

1. (Ed.): Early Phenomenologists on the Sensory World: Selected Writings, translated with Lina de Boer and Twan Stiekel, series “New Texts in the History of Philosophy”, Oxford: Oxford University Press (under contract).


2. with Stephan Schmid (eds.): A Philosophical History of the Concept, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (under contract).


3. with Guillaume Fréchette (eds.): European Journal of Philosophy 31/2 (2023), issue on “New Work on Brentano”.


b. Articles in Journals

4. “Reinach on the Essence of Colours”. Synthese 202/201 (2023): 1-19.


5. “How to Divide a(n Individual) Mind: Ontological Complexity Instead of Mental Monism”, Inquiry 66/8 (2023) (for a book symposium on Mark Textor’s Brentano’s Mind): 1404-1419.


6. “Brentano on the Individuation of Mental Acts”, European Journal of Philosophy 31/2 (2023), issue on “New Work on Brentano”, eds. Guillaume Fréchette and Hamid Taieb: 431-444.


7. “A Case of Aristotelian-Scholastic Non-Realism about Sensible Qualities: Peter Auriol on Sounds and Odours”, Journal of the History of Philosophy 60/3 (2022): 385-407.


8. “A Paleo-Criticism of Modes of Being: Brentano and Marty against Bolzano, Husserl, and Meinong”, Ergo 7/32 (2021): 849-876.


9. “Ordinary Language Semantics: The Contribution of Brentano and Marty”, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28/4 (2020): 777-796.


c. Book Chapters and Varia

10. with Colin Guthrie King: “Aristotle in the 19th Century”, in Oxford Bibliographies ( New York: Oxford University Press (under contract).


11. “Concepts in Brentano, Husserl, and Early Phenomenology”, in Stephan Schmid and Hamid Taieb (eds.), A Philosophical History of the Concept, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (under contract).


12. “Aquinas on Colours and Visibility”, in Katerina Ierodiakonou and Véronique Decaix (eds.), Colour Theories from Democritus to Descartes, London: Routledge (forthcoming).


13. “The Early Husserl on Typicality”, in Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry and Sébastien Richard (eds.), Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 263–278.


See also
