Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Philosophie

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Philosophie | Forschung | Drittmittelprojekte | DFG-Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe: A Sensible World


Emmy-Noether Research Group:

A Sensible World.
The Problem of Secondary Qualities
in and Around the School of Brentano



Group Leader: Dr Hamid Taieb

Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Dr James Jardine

Doctoral Research Fellow: Lina de Boer

Student Assistant (Hilfskraft): Kate Westermaier

Research Project 

Project Website:


Conferences and Workshops

“Secondary Qualities and the Epistemology of Perception” - Workshop of the DFG Emmy Noether Project “A sensible world”

"The Metaphysics of Secondary Qualities" - Workshop of the DFG Emmy Noether Project "A sensible world"

"The Phenomenology of Secondary Qualities" - Workshop of the DFG Emmy Noether Project "A sensible world"

"Secondary Qualities in the Austro-German Tradition and Beyond" - Opening Conference of the DFG Emmy Noether Group "A sensible world"

"Longue Durée Intentionality" - Workshop of the DFG Emmy Noether Project "A sensible world"

Monthly Phenomenology -
An online forum of discussion on recent work in phenomenology


Dr Hamid Taieb
  • Leiter der Emmy-Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe
    "A Sensible World" (DFG)
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Institut für Philosophie
    Unter den Linden 6, Raum 3033
    10099 Berlin

    +49 30 2093-2873

Reading Group

Winter Semester 2023-2024:
Roman Ingarden's Zur Objektivität der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung
Co-organised with Alessandro Salice, University College Cork

Summer Semester 2023:
Roman Ingarden's Der Streit um die Existenz der Welt

Winter Semester 2022-2023:
Heinrich Hofmann's Untersuchungen über den Empfindungsbegriff 
Co-organised with Alessandro Salice, University College Cork

Summer Semester 2022:
Conrad-Martius's Zur Ontologie und Erscheinungslehre der realen Außenwelt

Winter Semester 2021-2022:
Husserl's 6th Logical Investigation
Co-organised with Alessandro Salice, University College Cork