Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Theoretische Philosophie/Philosophiegeschichte

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Philosophie | Theoretische Philosophie/Philosophiegeschichte | Veranstaltungen - Archiv | Workshop: "Perceiving and Judging: Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy"

Workshop: "Perceiving and Judging: Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy"

  • Wann 20.06.2014 von 09:15 bis 19:30
  • Wo HAN 6, 1.03
  • iCal

Workshop in Honor of Jennifer Marušić,

Marie Curie Fellow at Humboldt-Universität





9.15         Dominik Perler (Humboldt-Universität)

       Welcome and Introduction


9.30         Jennifer Marušić (Brandeis University / Humboldt Universität)

               Locke on Perceiving the Agreement of Ideas

10.10        Discussion


10.45        Coffee Break


11.00        Maria van der Schaar (Universiteit Leiden)

Judging and the Problem of Error in Spinoza

11.40        Discussion


12.15        Lunch





14.00        Andrew J. Pyle (University of Bristol)

Malebranche and Berkeley on Visual Perception of Size and Distance

14.40        Discussion


15.15        Coffee Break


15.30        Stephan Schmid (Humboldt-Universität)

Epistemic Responsibility in an Occasionalist World: Malebranche’s Theory of Judgment

16.10        Discussion


16.45        Coffee Break


17.00        Christian Barth (Humboldt-Universität)

                Leibniz on Judgment

17.40        Discussion


18.15        End of the Workshop