Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Theoretische Philosophie/Philosophiegeschichte

Konferenz: "Late Medieval and Renaissance Accounts of the Mind"

  • Wann 23.10.2014 09:45 bis 25.10.2014 16:45
  • Wo Hannoversche Straße 6, Raum 1.03
  • iCal











Thursday, October 23, 2014

09.45 Welcome and Information (Stephan Schmid)

10.00 Stephan Schmid: Introduction: Three Traditions of Late Scholastic Philosophy of Mind

10.35 Comments by Sander de Boer

10.45 Discussion


11.15 Coffee Break


11.30 Dominik Perler: Mind and Method

12.05 Comments by Lorenzo Casini

12.15 Discussion


13.00 Lunch     


14.30 Paolo Rubini: The Function of the Intellect: Intentionality and Representationalism

15.05 Comments by Sonja Schierbaum

15.15 Discussion


15.45 Coffee Break


16.00 Sonja Schierbaum: Late Medieval Theories of (Self-) Consciousness

16.35 Comments by Sydney Penner

16.45 Discussion


17.15 Coffee Break


17.30 Sydney Penner: Renaissance Debates about the Will and its Freedom (Sydney Penner)

18.05 Comments by Sabrina Ebbersmeyer

18.15 Discussion


18.45 End of the Day


Friday, October 24, 2014

10.00 Daniel Heider: Late Scholastic Debates about the External and Internal Senses

10.35 Comments by Stephan Schmid

10.45 Discussion


11.15 Coffee Break


11.30 Sabrina Ebbersmeyer: Renaissance Theories of Emotions: Embodied Minds

12.05 Comments by Eileen Sweeney

12.15 Discussion


12.45 Lunch


14.00 Sander de Boer: The Mind-Body-Problem and the Rise of Dualism

14.35 Comments by Daniel Heider

14.45 Discussion


15.15 Coffee Break


15.30 Lorenzo Casini: Debates about the Immortality of the Soul

16.05 Comments by Paolo Rubini

16.15 Discussion


16.45 Coffee Break


17.00 Paul Bakker: The Soul and its Parts: Debates about the Faculties of the Soul

17.35 Comments by Dominik Perler

17.45 Discussion


18.15 End of the Day



Saturday, October 25, 2014

10.00 Eileen Sweeney: With or Against Passion: Late Scholastics and Renaissance Humanists on the Role of the Passions in Moral Action

10.35 Comments by Paul Bakker

10.45 Discussion


11.00 Coffee Break


11.15 Final Discussion


12.00 End of the Conference



Participation is free. But participants are asked to register with Stephan Schmid: