Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Philosophie


PEP Berlin

PEP Berlin (short for Politically Engaged Philosophy) aims to bring together researchers who are interested in philosophy that critically engages with the social world, including (but not limited to) feminist philosophy, queer theory, critical race theory, post colonial theory, trans philosophy or disability theory.

We are meeting once a month in a hybrid format and discuss work in progress by speakers whose papers will be circulated beforehand. Unless explicitly announced otherwise, the papers and discussion are in English. If you're interested in participating in the workshop and/or in receiving other announcements on politically engaged philosophy in Berlin, please send an email to and we will put you on the mailing list.


The workshop takes place on Fridays, from 4.30-6 pm (for the winter schedule, please have a look at the poster below) at Schönhauser Allee 10-11, room 1.27.