Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Practical Philosophy, Social Philosophy & Center for Human Studies and Social Change - Rahel Jaeggi

Dr. Victor Kempf

Dr. Victor Kempf

Institut für Philosophie
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

Room 3042c

+49 30 2093 2532


  • Office Hour: Tue, 2 pm - 3.30 pm (please make an appointment here)


I received my PhD from Goethe University in 2017. I'm mainly interested in social and political philosophy from a critical perspective. Currently, I'm exploring how to bring Political Liberalism and Theories of Radical Democracy together in order to criticize and overcome the communitarian closure of western democracy. In parallel, I investigate the relationship between left-Hegelian models of progress and antagonistic conceptions of political struggle (Oct. 2018)