Early Modern Conceptions of Consciousness
A conference organised by the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy and the Leibniz Price Research Projekt Transformations of the Mind
- https://www.philosophie.hu-berlin.de/de/arbeitsbereiche/theorie/veranstaltungen/early-modern-conceptions-of-consciousness
- Early Modern Conceptions of Consciousness
- 2011-05-13T09:00:00+02:00
- 2011-05-14T18:00:00+02:00
- A conference organised by the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy and the Leibniz Price Research Projekt Transformations of the Mind
- What Tagung
- Wann 13.05.2011 09:00 bis 14.05.2011 18:00
- Wo Hannoversche Str. 6 (TOPOI-Gebäude), Raum 1.03
Friday, 13th of May 2011
- 9.00 Reception
- 9.20 Christian Barth: Address of welcome and introduction
Morning Section
Chair: Stephan Schmid- 9.30 Boris Hennig: “The concept of consciousness as Descartes encountered it”
- 10.15 Discussion
- 11.00 Break
- 11.30 Steven Nadler: “Consciousness among the Cartesians”
- 12.15 Discussion
- 13.00 Lunch
Afternoon Section
Chair: Martin Lenz- 14.30 Vili Lähteenmäki: “Reflection and Consciousness in Locke”
- 15.15 Discussion
- 16.00 Break
- 16.30 Christian Barth: “Descartes and Leibniz on Conscientia”
- 17.15 Discussion
- 18.00 End of Day 1
- 19.30 Conference-Dinner
Saturday, 14th of May 2011
Morning Section
Chair: Johannes Haag- 9.30 Larry Jorgensen: “Mind the Gap: Reflection and Consciousness in Leibniz's Theory of Mind”
- 10.15 Discussion
- 11.00 Break
- 11.30 Alison Simmons: TBA (on Leibnizian Consciousness)
- 12.15 Discussion
- 13.00 Lunch
Afternoon Section
Chair: Dominik Perler- 14.30 Udo Thiel: “Reid and Conceptions of Consciousness from Descartes to Hume”
- 15.15 Discussion
- 16.00 Break
- 16.30 Final Discussion
- 18.00 End of conference
Generously supported by Fritz Thyssen Stiftung