Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Theoretical Philosophy / History of Philosophy

Biography & Publications


Dominik Perler is Professor of Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Co-Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Human Abilities.

He studied at the Universities of Fribourg (Dr. phil. 1991), Bern and Göttingen (Habilitation 1996), was Fellow of All Souls and Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (1996-97), and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Basel (1997-2003). He has had visiting appointments at several universities, among them UCLA, Tel Aviv University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Université libre de Bruxelles, the École Normale Supérieure and the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris. He was Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study) in Berlin, Fellow at the Istituto Svizzero di Roma, and Global Scholar at Princeton University.

In 2006 he was awarded the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Preis. He is a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Arts and Science and the Academia Europaea. In 2014 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Louvain. He served as President of the European Society for Early Modern Philosophy and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie (German Society for Philosophy). He was member of the steering committee of a number of larger research projects, among them the European Science Foundation Project “From Natural Philosophy to Science” and the Excellence Cluster “Topoi.”

His research focuses on medieval and early modern philosophy, mostly in the areas of philosophy of mind, epistemology, and ontology. He serves on the editorial or advisory board of a number of journals, among them Journal of the History of PhilosophyBritish Journal for the History of Philosophy, History of Philosophy QuarterlyVivariumArchiv für Geschichte der PhilosophieZeitschrift für philosophische ForschungOxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy.


Curriculum Vitae




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