Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Practical Philosophy/Ethics



07.-08.07.2023: 12th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy



Held at Humboldt-Universität

Speakers: Colin Bradley, Vivian Knopf, Gabriel Broughton, Yan Lu, Brendan Kolb, Patrycja Pendrakowska, Jeremy Khoo, Puneh Nejati-Mehr, Daniel Chinellato, Martha Crowe

Organisation: Jeremy Khoo (Princeton University), Leo Eisenbach (HU Berlin)

→ Programme


12.-13.06.2023: Workshop: Current Issues in Metaethics and Practical Normativity



Held at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Convenors: David Plunkett (Dartmouth), Thomas Schmidt (HU)

→ Programme


31.03.-01.04.2023: Berlin-Bern-Zurich-Workshop Ethical Theory 2023


Held at Centre for Ethics University Zurich

Organisation: Peter Schaber (Zürich), Thomas Schmidt (HU)

→ Programme

05.-07.09.2022: Humboldt Normativity Conference 2022



Held at Humboldt-Universität

Keynote Speakers: David Enoch, Sarah McGrath

Speakers: Stina Björkholm, Daniele Bruno, Samuel Dishaw, Sophie Keeling, Conor McHugh, Rowan Mellor, Christine Tiefensee, Pekka Väyrynen

Organisation: Benjamin Kiesewetter, Thomas Schmidt

→ Programme



21.08.-03.09.2022: Summer Institute on Practical Normativity: Rationality



Held at HU; participating universities: ANU, HU, Princeton

Convenors: Thomas Schmidt (HU), Michael Smith (Princeton)

→ Programme



19.-20.08.2022: 11th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy



Held at Humboldt-Universität

Speakers: Benjamin Wilck, Norah Woodcock, Hanna Hoffmann-Richter, Pietro Cibinel, Lia Nordmann, Calvin Baker, Livia Samson, Thomas Lambert, Valentin Salein, Sebastian Liu

Organisation: Jeremy Khoo (Princeton University), Marcel Jahn (HU Berlin)

→ Programme


18.-20.05.2022: Workshop: Reasons, Ought, and Normative Transmission


Held at Humboldt-Universität

Organisation: Benjamin Kiesewetter (HU)

→ Programme


08.-09.10.2021: Berlin-Bern-Zurich-Workshop Ethical Theory 2021


Held at Centre for Ethics University Zurich

Organisation: Peter Schaber (Zürich), Thomas Schmidt (HU)

→ Programme


02.-04.06.2021: 10th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy


Held at Humboldt-Universität Berlin (online)

Organisation: Maggie Shea (Princeton) and Philip Fox (HU)

→ Programme

07.-09.12.2020: Humboldt Normativity Conference 2020    

Keynote Speakers: Anandi Hattiangadi, Geoffrey Sayre-McCord

Speakers: Andreas Brekke Carlsson, Woo Ram Lee, Emily Colleen McWilliams, Eric Sampson, Moritz Schulz, Nader Shoaibi, Alison R. Toop, Teemu Toppinen und Vilma Venesmaa, Pekka Väyrynen 

Organisation: Jan Gertken, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Thomas Schmidt

→ Programme



06.-07.01.2020: Workshop: What is a Good Ethical Theory?


Held at Humboldt-Universität Berlin, participating universities: HU, University of Bern

Organisation: Andreas Müller (University of Bern), Thomas Schmidt (HU)




02.-16.07.2019: Summer Institute on Practical Normativity: Reasons


Held at ANU; participating universities: ANU, HU, Princeton

Convenors: Seth Lazar (ANU), Michael Smith (Princeton), Thomas Schmidt (HU)

→ Programme



07.-08.06.2019: 9th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy


Held at Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Organisation: Thomas Lambert (Princeton) and Răzvan Sofroni (HU)

→ Programme




28.-29.03.2019: Berlin-Bern-Zurich-Workshop Ethical Theory 2019


Held at Centre for Ethics University Zurich

Organisation: Peter Schaber (Zürich), Thomas Schmidt (HU)

→ Programme



03.-16.08.2018: Summer Institute on Practical Normativity: Reasons


Held at Princeton University; participating universities: ANU, HU, Princeton

Convenors: Michael Smith (Princeton), Thomas Schmidt (HU)

→ Overview and programme



23.-24.07.2018: 8th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy


Speakers: John Colin Bradley, Berit Braun, Daniele Bruno, Philip Fox, Daniel Häuser, Christopher Izgin, Wenjin Liu, Camilo Martinez, Alejandro Naranjo, Gabriel Shapiro

Organisation: Thomas Lambert and Francesca Bunkenborg

→ Programme



19.06.2018: Jonathan Way - Fittingness and Reasons (Workshop)


Workshop with Jonathan Way (Southhampton).



13.-15.06.2018: Humboldt Normativity Conference 2018


Keynote Speakers: Gideon Rosen, Holly Smith

Speakers: Daniel Drucker, Davide Fassio, Katharina Felka, Nick Hughes, Conor McHugh & Jonathan Way, Oded Na’aman Franziska Poprawe, Moritz Schulz

Organisation: Jan Gertken, Benjamin Kiesewetter and Thomas Schmidt

→ Programme



26.-28.07.2017: 7th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy


Speakers: Colin Bradley, Daniele Bruno, Ian Campbell, Thomas Lambert, Wenjin Liu, Joseph C. Moore, Christopher Roser, Razvan Sofroni, Niklaas Tepelmann, Michel Vargas

Organisation: Berit Braun

→ Programme



08.05.-09.05.2017: The Moral Nexus (Workshop)


Speakers: Monika Betzler (München), Christine Bratu (Berlin), Tim Henning (Stuttgart), Ulrike Heuer (Leeds), Doug Lavin (UCL), Erasmus Mayr (Erlangen), Véronique Munoz-Dardé (UCL/Berkeley), Peter Schaber (Zürich)

Organisation: Jan Gertken und Thomas Schmidt, in cooperation with the Einstein Ethics Group 




27.06.-29.06.2016: Humboldt Normativity Conference 2016


Keynote speakers: John Broome, Michael Smith

Speakers: Nilanjan Das, Alex Gregory, Amelia Hicks, Anti Kauppinen, Berislav Marušić, Andreas Müller, Pamela Robinson, Jussi Suikkanen

Organisation: Jan Gertken, Benjamin Kiesewetter and Thomas Schmidt



24.06.2016: 6th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy


Speakers: Emad Atiq, Francesca Bunkenborg, Joseph C. Moore; comments by Stephanie Elsen, Eric Hubble, Razvan Sofroni

Organisation: Thomas Schmidt and Michael Smith

→ Programme



19.11.-20.11.2015: Third annual meeting of the European Normativity Network


Speakers: Jan Gertken, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Yair Levy, Jonas Olson, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Paulina Sliwa, Kurt Sylvan, Teemu Toppinen, Jonathan Way

Organisation: Benjamin Kiesewetter and Felix Koch

→ Programme



29.-31.07.2015: 5th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy


A workhop for PhD students from the philosophy departments at Princeton and the HU.

Organisation: Daniele Bruno

→ Programme



29.06.-01.07.2015: Construction, Constitution and Normativity (Conference)


Speakers: Carla Bagnoli, Eva-Maria Düringer, Stefan Gosepath, James Lenman, Andreas Müller, Karl Schafer, Michael Smith

Organisation: Eva-Maria Düringer, Andreas Müller, Thomas Schmidt

→ Programme



22.-24.09.2014: The Wrong Kind of Reasons (Conference)


Speakers: Jan Gertken, Tim Henning, Ulrike Heuer, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Andrew Reisner, Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen, Mark Schroeder, Jussi Suikannen, Jonathan Way

Organisation: Jan Gertken, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Thomas Schmidt

→ Programme



13.-15.08.2014: 4th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy


A workhop for PhD students from the philosophy departments at Princeton and the HU.

Organisation: Simon Gaus

→ Programme



16.-17.06.2014: Verantwortung, Vorwürfe, Verzeihen (Workshop)

Speakers: Claudia Blöser, Erasmus Mayr, Leonhard Menges, Peter Schulte, R. Jay Wallace

Organisation: Leonhard Menges and Thomas Schmidt


01.-03.10.2013: Current Topics in Practical Philosophy (Workshop)


Workshop by and for Doctoral Students, Postdocs und Guests of the Chair in Oberbarnim-Klosterdorf.

Participants: Anne Burkard, Simon Gaus, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Andreas Leonhard Menges, Andreas Müller and Thomas Schmidt

05.-07.08.2013: 3rd Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy    

A workhop for PhD students from the philosophy departments at Princeton and the HU.

Organisation: Hannah Altehenger

→ Programme

05.07.13: David Owens - Shaping the Normative Landscape (Colloquium)    
Colloquium with David Owens (University of Reading) on his recently published book Shaping the Normative Landscape (Oxford University Press 2012).    
22.-24.09.2012: Current Topics in Practical Philosophy (Workshop)    

Workshop by and for Doctoral Students, Postdocs und Guests of the Chair in Oberbarnim-Klosterdorf.

Participants: Hannah Altehenger, Anne Burkard, Jan Gertken, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Andreas Leonhard Menges, Andreas Müller and Thomas Schmidt

06.-08.08.2012: 2nd Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Workshop in Philosophy    

A workhop for PhD students from the philosophy departments at Princeton and the HU.

Organisation: Andreas Leonhard Menges

→ Programme

08.03.12: Philipp Kitcher - The Ethical Project (Colloquium)    
Colloquium with Philipp Kitcher (Columbia University) on his book The Ethical Project (Harvard University Press 2011).    
01.02.12: Imperfect Justice (Workshop)    

Speakers: Eduardo Rivera Lopez (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires), Elizabeth Ashford (University of St Andrews)

→ Programme

13.-14.01.2012: Formen des Naturalismus in der Ethik (Workshop)    

Speakers: Mario Branhorst, Philipp Brüllmann, Thomas Hoffmann, Anton Leist, Andreas Müller, Tatjana Tarkian; Kommentare: Kirsten Meyer, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Anne Burkard, Jan Gertken, Thomas Schmidt

Organisation: Philipp Brüllmann, Andreas Müller

→ Programme

18.-20.07.2011: 1. Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Workshop in Philosophy    

A workhop for PhD students from the philosophy departments at Princeton and the HU.

Organisation: Andreas Müller

→ Programme

30.06.-02.07.2011: Agency, Reasons, and the Good (Workshop)    

Speakers: Holger Baumann, Anne Burkard, Daniel Friedrich, Jan Gertken, Tim Henning, Benjamin Kiesewetter, Erasmus Mayr, Julia Peters; Kommentare: Monika Betzler, Sabine Döring, Gerhard Ernst, Christoph Fehige, Stefan Gosepath, Kirsten Meyer, Elif Özmen, Stephan Sellmaier

Organisation:Thomas Schmidt, Michael Smith, R. Jay Wallace

→ Programme

23.-25.09.2010: Intuitions in Ethics (Conference)    

Speakers: Selim Berker, Anne Burkard, Timothy Chappell, Jonathan Dancy, Sabine Döring, Jan Gertken, Christiph Halbig, Folke Tersman, Thomas Schmidt, Andreas Vieth

Organisation: Anne Burkard, Jan Gertken, Thomas Schmidt

→ Programme

01.-03.07.2010: The Point of Morality (Coference)    

Speakers: Norbert Anwander, Monika Betzler, Stephen Darwall, Walter Pfannkuche, Joseph Raz, Thomas Scanlon, Thomas Schmidt, Holmer Steinfath, Lutz Wingert

Organisation: Norbert Anwander, Thomas Schmidt

→ Programme

15.01.09: John Broome - Rationality and Reasoning (Colloquium)    

Colloqium with John Broome (Oxford University) on his book manuscript Rationality Through Reasoning.

22.-26.09.2008: Perspectives of Deontology in Ethics (Summer School)    

Speakers: Brad Hooker, Stephen Darwall, Stefan Gosepath u.a

Organisation: Thomas Schmidt

→ Programme

19-21.06.2008: Prospects and Limits of Naturalism in Ethics (Conference)    

Speakers: Gerhard Ernst, Christoph Halbig, Philip Kitcher, Kirsten Meyer, Peter Schaber, Thomas Schmidt, Bettina Schöne-Seifert, Tatjana Tarkian

Organisation: Thomas Schmidt, Tatjana Tarkian

→ Programme

12.06.08: R. Jay Wallace - Reason and Responsibility (Colloquium)    

Colloquium with R. Jay Wallace (UC Berkeley) on his book Normativity and the Will (Oxford University Press 2006)

17.01.08: Rainer Forst - Das Recht auf Rechtfertigung (Colloquium)    
Colloquium mit Rainer Forst (Universität Frankfurt) on his book Das Recht auf Rechtfertigung (Suhrkamp 2007).      
15.06.07: David Copp - Darwinian Skepticism about Moral Realism (Colloquium)    
Colloquium with David Copp (UC Davis).    
01.06.07: Gertrud Nunner-Winkler - Moralische Motivation (Colloquium)    
Colloquium with Gertrud Nunner-Winkler (MPI für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, München).    
29.11.06: Rüdiger Bittner - Rationalität und Normativität (Colloquium)    
Colloqium with Rüdiger Bittner (Universität Bielefeld).     
30.06.06: Jonathan Dancy - Ethics Without Principles (Colloquium)    
Colloquium with Jonathan Dancy (University of Reading & University of Texas at Austin) on his book Ethics Without Principles (Oxford University Press 2004).