International Congress of the Society for Analytic Philosophy: Philosophy and the Public
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Conference: 50 Years of Responsibility without Alternative Possibilities
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Semestereröffnungsvortrag: „Über Wahrheit und Irrtum im außermoralischen Sinn“
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Konferenz: Politische Meinungsverschiedenheiten
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
International Conference: Deep Disagreements – Philosophical and Legal Perspectives
New York University
Podiumsdiskussion: Welche und wie viele Flüchtlinge sollen wir aufnehmen?
Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Conference: Disagreement in Peer Review
Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Workshop: Religious Disagreement
Workshop with Robert Audi
Disagreement. Epistemology and Applications
Satellite Workshop at GAP.9
International Conference: "Deep Disagreements – Philosophical and Legal Perspectives"
Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Quine’s Ontology and Its Impact on Contemporary Metaphysics
One-day Workshop
Aristotle's Anthropology
International Conference
Tiefe Meinungsverschiedenheiten
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Dealing Reasonably with Blurred Boundaries
Vagueness in Law - Philosophical and Legal Approaches
Ringvorlesung Hermeneutik im WS 2012/13
Wie die Wissenschaften das Verstehen verstehen - Die Hermeneutik in der gegenwärtigen Diskussion.
Institutsvortrag: „Der mechanistische Ansatz in der Biologie“
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institutsvortrag: „Willensfreiheit als Fähigkeit?“
Feierliche Semestereröffnung
The Metaphysics of Mind and Brain: Realization, Mechanisms, and Embodiment
Vagueness in Context
The one-day workshop with Jason Stanley (Rutgers), Nikola Kompa (Osnabrück) and Alexander Dinges (HU Berlin) will focus on contextualism about vagueness and other applications of the contextualist programme.
Gradualist Approaches to Health and Disease
A conference which aims at exploring different aspects of the fuzziness of our concepts of health and disease as well as its legal implications.
Diagnostic Inflation in Psychiatry?
Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Allen Frances (Duke University)
Antrittsvorlesung: „Ist intellektuelle Demut eine Tugend?“
Vagueness, Ontology and Natural Kinds in Law and Philosophy
A philosophical conference which brings together experts in the theory of vagueness, ontology and natural kind semantics in both jurisprudence and philosophy.
Saying What We Believe. On the Linguistic Expression of Intentional Mental States
What effects does vagueness have on meaning?
A philosophical workshop with Stephen Schiffer (NYU), Nikola Kompa (Bern) and J. Robert Williams (Leeds)