Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Practical Philosophy, Social Philosophy & Center for Human Studies and Social Change - Rahel Jaeggi

Livia von Samson





E-Mail: livia.samson(at)

Unter den Linden 6, Raum 3042c


Institut für Philosophie                  

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Unter den Linden 6

10099 Berlin

Office hours: Wednesdays 01:00 pm-02:00 pm during the semester. Please e-mail me to make an appointment.


I’m a PhD candidate and junior faculty member (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at Humboldt University in Berlin. Prior to this, I studied philosophy and music in Heidelberg, Berlin (Humboldt University and University of Arts), and Oxford.

My primary interests lie in social and political philosophy, feminism, and epistemology (and their various intersections). I’m particularly interested in the family and feminist critiques of the family.



  • »Eigentum und Herrschaft« Podcast, mit Amin Wagner, Interviews mit Eva von Redecker und Christian Schmidt, Dezember 2022.
  • »Ästhetik nach Adorno. Positionen zur Gegenwartskunst« Co-editor, with Robin Becker and David Hagen, Verbrecher Verlag, 2022.

Talks (Selection)

  • »Is Immanent Critique Possible?« Submitted Symposium, 121st APA Central Division Meeting, New Orleans, 23.02.2024.

  • »Why Family Abolition? The Wrong of the Privatization of Reproductive Labour« Workshop on Gender and Philosophy (WOGAP), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 15.02.2024.

  • »Genealogy as Ideology (Critique)« Panel ›The Role of Genealogy in Moral and Political Philosophy‹, 7th Annual Meeting, PPE Society, New Orleans, 4.11.2023.

  • »Family Abolition and the State« MANCEPT-Workshop ›Intimacy and the State‹, University of Manchester, 13.09.2023.

  • »Genealogical Explanations and Social Change« MANCEPT-Workshop ›Causal Histories: The Role of Genealogical inquiry in Moral, Social and Political Philosophy‹, University of Manchester, 12.09.2023.

  • »Family Abolition as Radical Emancipation« Critical Emancipations, Leuven,12.05.2023.                                            

  • »Zur Kritik des liberalen Individuums« Diskussionsveranstaltung mit Bafta Sarbo, diffrakt, 1.03.2023.           

  • »Sex & Education: on the specific wrong of student teacher relationships« Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittemberg, »Raum für ___«, »FemPower«, 12.12.2022.
  • »Is Immanent Critique Possible?« 11. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 13.09.2022.
  • »The Metanormative Foundations of Immanent Critique«, 11th Humboldt-Princeton Graduate Conference in Philosophy, HU Berlin, 20.08.2022.
  • »Family Abolition: From Capitalism to Communized Care«, Villanova University Graduate Conference, 9.4.2022 (online).
  • »Allyship vs. Solidarity«, MANCEPT-Workshop ›The Uses of Solidarity‹ University of Manchester, 10.09.2021 (online).
  • »Hegels Theorie der Familie und die Methode eines materialistischen Feminismus« Workshop ›Materialistischer Feminismus‹, SWIP Germany, 16.6.2021 (online).
  • »Shame as Ideology Critique?« Workshop ›Philosophische Auseinandersetzungen mit Rassismus‹, AG Feministische Philosophie, HU Berlin, 16.4.2021 (online).
  • »Hermeneutical Justice, Critical Genealogy and Emancipatory Change«, Ockham Society, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, 22.5.2020.
  • »Why Does History Matter?« Graduate Seminar, St. Peter’s College, University of Oxford, 19.5.2020.
  • »What is Feminist Philosophy?« Graduate Seminar, St. Peter’s College, University of Oxford, 11.2019.
  • »Musikalische Erkenntnis? Überlegungen zur Bedeutung Neuer Musik«, ›Musik und Ästhetik‹, 31. Symposium des Dachverbandes der Studierenden der Musikwissenschaften, 10.11.2018.
