Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Practical Philosophy, Social Philosophy & Center for Human Studies and Social Change - Rahel Jaeggi

Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi (Ph.D., FBA)

Photo: ©Sybille Baier


Rahel Jaeggi is Professor of Practical Philosophy with an emphasis on Social and Political Philosophy and director of the Center for Humanities and Social Change Berlin at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her research focuses on social philosophy, political philosophy, ethics, philosophical anthropology, social ontology, and critical theory.

Rahel Jaeggi studied philosophy, history, and theology at the Free University Berlin (MA 1995). She received her PhD (2002) and Habilitation (2009) at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. She has held research and teaching positions at the Chair for Social Philosophy/Prof. Axel Honneth, Goethe University Frankfurt a. M., the University of St. Gallen/Switzerland, Yale University, New Haven/USA and Fudan University, Shanghai/PRC. She was senior fellow at the DFG-Research Group on Post-Growth Societies at the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena/Germany. As a Theodor Heuss Professor, she taught at the New School for Social Research in New York during the academic year of 2015-2016. In 2018-2019, she was a member of the School for Social Science at the IAS in Princeton.

Selected works: Capitalism – A Conversation in Critical Theory (with Nancy Fraser), Cambridge: Polity Press (2018), Critique of Forms of Life, Cambridge: Harvard University Press (2018); Alienation, New York: Columbia University Press (2014); Sozialphilosophie. Eine Einführung (with R. Celikates), München: Beck (2017); Welt und Person – Zum anthropologischen Hintergrund der Gesellschaftskritik Hannah Arendts, Berlin: Lukas Verlag (1997). 



phone: +49 30 2093-2824

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Philosophie
Unter den Linden 6, Raum 3036a
10099 Berlin





Curriculum Vitae (English) / Photo to download: ©Sybille Baier

