Marcel JahnE-Mail: marcel.jahn@hu-berlin.de
Research Interests |
Normative Ethics, Metaethics, Philosophy of the Social Sciences |
Vita |
Doctoral student in philosophy at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin since spring 2020 supported by the Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium of the state Berlin. Prior to that, studies in Philosophy and Economics in Bayreuth, Berkeley and Berlin (supported by the Foundation of German Business). |
Publications |
"Concepts in Context: Ontological Coherence in Political Science Research” (with Moritz S. Graefrath), Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 55 (1): 24-60, 2025. (PDF) "Political Spaces Beyond the Nation State: The Global Commons in International Security Studies" (with Moritz S. Graefrath), Global Studies Quarterly, 4 (4), article ksae087, 2024. (PDF) “Do You Believe in Deep Down? On Two Conceptions of Valuing” (with Lukas Beck), Synthese 202, 16, 2023. (PDF) “Conceptualizing Interstate Cooperation” (with Moritz S. Graefrath), International Theory 15 (1): 24-52, 2023. (print version) „Normative Models and their Success” (with Lukas Beck), Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 51 (2): 123-150, 2021. (PDF) |
Talks (Selection) |
"Models in Normative Inquiry: Getting Serious about Justification” (with Lukas Beck), XXVI. German Congress of Philosophy, Universität Münster, 23.09.2024. "What is a Normative Model? Taking Justification Seriously” (with Lukas Beck), LSE Choice Group, London School of Economics and Political Science, 06.03.2024 "Political Spaces beyond the Nation State: The 'Global Commons' in Security Studies“ (with Moritz S. Graefrath), American Political Science Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 31.08.2023 „Do You Believe in Deep Down? On Two Conceptions of Valuing“ (with Lukas Beck), 11th Congress of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 12.-15.09.2022. „Normative Models and their Success” (with Lukas Beck), XXV. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, FAU Erlangen Nürnberg 06.09.2021 (online). „Normative Models and Their Success“ (Q&A, with Lukas Beck), Working Models Reading Group, 18.06.2021 (online). „Normative Models and their Success” (with Lukas Beck), Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable, Emory University, Atlanta, 14.03.2020 (online). „Normativity and Deliberation”, Summer Institute on Practical Normativity, Australian National University, 12.07.2019. „Pragmatism and New Evidentialism in Epistemic Normativity: Not a Dichotomy”, Think! 2nd Bayreuth Student Conference in Analytic Philosophy, University of Bayreuth, 11.06.2017. „Against the Unrestricted Applicability of Disjunction Elimination”, 5th LSE-Bayreuth Student Conference, London School of Economics and Political Science, 12.05.2017. „Paraconsistent Belief Revision: Revisiting Local Change”, Richard Wollheim Society, University of California, Berkeley, 10.11.2016. |
Current Project | Practical Reasons, Oughts, and Latitude |
Teaching |
Ethics and Neuroscience Intentions in Philosophy and International Politics Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to Political Philosophy Philosophical Writing and Presenting Introduction to Philosophy of Science Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to Philosophy of Science Introduction to Microeconomics |